Wayne Halliburton ~ President
Wayne Halliburton is a musician and taxidermist from Austin, TX. He is involved in the independent music scene in Texas, composes for animations and performances, and has won awards for his taxidermy work. He has spent several years taking classes from Sophie through Das Biest Performance Project and is an avid dance enthusiast. As a trans artist, he is passionate about supporting other marginalized artists reach their goals.
Miranda Kinsley - Secretary
Miranda Kinsley is a musician and composer from San Francisco California. She scored the Das Biest video "Strawberries" in 2020 and has been a longtime supporter of the group's work. Miranda has a degree in music from Bennington College.
Symone Sanz - Treasurer
Symone holds a BFA in Dance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is an experienced artist in performance, improvisation, and choreography. Amidst the pandemic, she has enjoyed creating live works with artists Heather Kravas, Cherdonna Shinatra, and zoe|juniper, among many others. Symone also enjoys filming, editing, and producing dance in her spare time.